Who is Convening the Peoples Assemblies to Take Peaceful Actions to Create Community Knowledge for Awareness Projects?

For the Creston and RDCK Deputation Project

We are assemblies of men and women, respectfully voicing our wish to re-gain, reserve and exercise all our creator granted rights, without any trespass or deceptions put upon them.             Since corporations are legal fictions without a mind, body or sole, they cannot trespass on the rights of the living, and yet the concept and belief in the corporation trespasses all the time. Corporations are creations of man and therefore man is above corporate fiction but under our creator. Which jurisdiction would you choice, once you are aware that there is a choice. 

The assembled people supporting various actions know the damage and overreach public private partnerships can do to a community, extracting the energy, resources, and freedoms of the people to restrict and enslave the very freedoms that allow communities of living men and women to thrive instead dead anonymous unelected corporate cartel shareholding entities. We, the assemble men and women, are trying to peacefully make the full implications known to all.

A Creston Valley View

Join the effort

We are looking for people who comprehend the problem, to peacefully share the awareness of it. Can you help?